Dovetail Health

Specialists in Behavioural Risk Management

Behavioural Risk Management | Employee Support | Training | Consultancy
Working with Small, Medium & Large Businesses & Organisations, in Public, Private & Voluntary Sector

Dovetail Health (previously Dovetail Partnerships) works in genuine partnership with organisations throughout the UK, to provide cutting edge risk management services and solutions which the performance, wellbeing & development of employees and service users whilst reducing the risks associated with human behaviour.

We specialise in:

  • Identifying the risks and barriers that prevent people, teams and organisations from achieving their best
  • Creating and delivering innovative solutions that get to the root of the problem, deliver tangible benefits and create new opportunities

Dovetail Health provides services to a wide range of diverse organisations with radically different business interests, our client’s include: UK Government Agencies,Transport for London, Northampton Probation Service, CORE IMS, Stoke on Trent College, YMCA, Westminister Mind, Housing Associations, Employee Assistance Programme Providers, Kindred Advocacy, The Church of England,

Our work has included:

  • Design & building of psychological & rehabilitation services
  • Design and development of anger management and communication skills training programmes for further education colleges
  • Research into factors affecting the successful implementation of clinical outcome measures
  • Design and delivery of anti bullying and cultural change programmes
  • Provision of support programmes to mitigate the adverse effects on employees of challenging and sensitive work Design of protocols, policies & procedures to assess and manage risk of work with high risk offenders
  • Delivery of de-escalation of aggression skills training to employees
  • Stress management programmes
  • Psychological assessment and counselling
  • Psychological consultancy support to manager
  • Design of effective post incident response services

Get In Touch

Call: 01620 824439


Fairbairn House,
1 Court Street,
East Lothian
EH41 3JD