Dr Lucy Abraham

Phd Psychology; MPhil Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychology EMDR | Cognitive Analytic Therapy |Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | Trauma Focused CBT For: Adults Health

Hello my name is Lucy, I am a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and the founder of ‘Lucy’s Place CIC. Lucy’s Place is a safe, supportive space for you regardless of the severity or the nature of the difficulties you are experiencing. One in four people will seek additional professional support for their emotional wellbeing at some point in our lives. I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to make that initial call or click for help. Decisions around the right time and place will vary depending on your personal circumstances. Lucy’s place offers a place for you. So, whenever you feel the time is right for you to have a little extra support then Lucy’s Place is here for you in the way that fits your needs.

I am an experienced Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the NHS and a registered practitioner psychologist with the Health Professions Council. I am trained in the delivery of a range of evidence based psychological therapies including Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), Cognitive Analytic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Trauma Focussed CBT and Interpersonal therapy (follow links for more information). I am experienced in working with people who have moderate to severe difficulties and many of whom have experienced trauma, relationship difficulties and adversity in their lives. I work with anyone that wants to make a change in their lives for the better, improve their wellbeing and sense of self. For over a decade I have led an NHS Veteran holistic health and wellbeing service for individuals with a wide range of presenting problems and helped them make positive changes in their lives.

At ‘Lucy’s Place CIC’ alongside individual psychology sessions I also offer the opportunity to join a variety of funded ‘community meets’ to compliment the therapeutic process and enhance wellbeing. These provide the opportunity to challenge some of the widely held beliefs that can develop about ourselves, others and the world. Community Psychology held in the natural environment has been found to significantly improve mood, reduce anxiety and boost self esteem. The ‘community meets’ include Art therapy, Wild Swimming, Walks or Munro bagging. It is an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors with like-minded people and develop a community of support.

I am passionate about developing services that are accessible to all and work in partnership to provide the best possible care. I have created Lucy’s Place CIC to allow me to work more effectively and in line with my core professional values. Lucy’s Place CIC is a community of support: A place where we are all welcome regardless of need.

If you would like to find out more about Lucy’s Place CIC please visit www.Lucysplace.org for more or email me to arrange a free 30 minute introductory online meeting.

Get In Touch

Call: 01620 824439

Email: info@fairbairnhouse.co.uk

Fairbairn House,
1 Court Street,
East Lothian
EH41 3JD