Well Man

Well Man Clinic: Homeopathy

I am seeing an increasing number of men choosing homeopathy. Some of the most common conditions are on a mental emotional level which may be related to work and family pressures, fear of failure, or changes in life circumstances and the ageing process.

Homeopathy can also be effective in treating male conditions such as skin disorders, circulatory and digestive conditions, migraines, impotence, prostate problems and infertility.

Well Man Clinic: Dietetics & Nutrition

Whatever your specific concerns are I can support with a number of health concerns or just improve your condition and future wellbeing. Are you suffering with fatigue or concerned about high blood pressure, reflux, diabetes risk factors or condition of your skin? I can assess and support and dietary specific factors.

Alternatively, if you would like a health nutrition specific check to optimise your health, performance and wellbeing I can support you with a detailed assessment and recommendations.

£165 for initial consultation (60 minutes plus typed up recommendations and any letters required)
Review = £165 for 60 mins/£85 30 mins/£110 40 mins (@Fairbairn House) if review by telephone or video = £125 for 60min/£65 for 30 min/£85 for 40min

Well Man Clinic: Hypopressive Exercise for Pelvic & Core Health

Leaky bladder. Diastases (muscle separation). Sexual dysfunction.

If your pelvic floor is not supporting you well, you need to support your pelvic floor. How do you do this? Hypopressive exercises.

Your pelvic floor supports more than just your bladder, it supports all of you! It’s the base of your core; its your foundation. To create a strong core, you must first create a strong foundation.

If you broke your arm, you would set it in a cast and do physio afterwards for rehabilitation. Incontinence and sexual dysfunction don’t have to be something you learn to put up with. There shouldn’t be any shame around these issues but so many men don’t do anything about it, because they don’t know how to.

Hypopressive exercises, with some effort, can help you to improve pelvic misalignment, improve fitness levels, reduce back pain and address the causes of incontinence and sexual dysfunction.

Get In Touch

Call: 01620 824439

Email: info@fairbairnhouse.co.uk

Fairbairn House,
1 Court Street,
East Lothian
EH41 3JD